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Queensland Indigenous Family Violence Prevention Forum – 2017
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The Forum celebrates the work done by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in preventing and responding to family violence. It is an opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workers to come together and learn from, share with and inspire each other.
The event highlights strategies and programs that could be used effectively by others and there will be discussions that relate to working with men, women and children who are either victims, or perpetrators, of domestic and family violence.
Dates: Wednesday 10th to Thursday 11th May 2017
Venue: Pullman Reef Hotel Cairns, Queensland
Australian Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Delegates: $450pp
Non Indigenous Delegate: $500pp
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact QCDFVR on 4940 3320
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View Program by clicking here.
[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Keynote Presenters” icon=””]
Cheri Yavu-Kama-Harathunian IWC Chaplain,
Board Director and Advisory Council Committee Member
Mrs Yavu-Kama-Harathunian was elected to the Board in 2008. She has assisted in the development of programmes and services and their implementation. She was involved, alongside her husband, in the development of the two historical documents that articulated the aspirations of the Aboriginal and Islander people in the Bundaberg region; ‘First Steps- A Blueprint for the Future-2005 -2025 and Second Steps- A Blueprint for the Future- Strategic Planning for 2005 -2025’. Her key expertise lies in policy development; strategic planning; process education; in-house training; capacity building education; Aboriginal Spirituality and Law; Cultural studies; Healing Circle Work and Counselling; Mental Health; Research; Cultural governance training; Transformational Management Training; Train-the-Trainer; and staff development. Cheri is a sought after conference speaker who has a gift to inspire, and empower an audience in a very unique way. She is committed to the aspiration of Sovereignty for Australia’s First Nations Peoples. She is an Elder amongst the Terabalang Bunda and Gooreng Gooreng Peoples and a Senior Elder of her Kabi Kabi clan/family group. She was appointed the IWC’s first Chaplain-In-The-Marketplace in October 2012. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Indigenous and Community Health; Masters Criminal Justice; Cert IV Small Business Enterprise and is a Licenced Minister of Religion. She sits as Director on Lonweigh Aboriginal Corporation; Bunya Mountains Elders Council; Director Indigenous Business Institute. She has been awarded the International Professional of the Year 2013 by World Wide Who’s Who.
Gayle Munn & Richard McCarthy
Founders, Lateral Peace Project
Gayle is a Gunggari woman from South West Queensland. Richard has Kamilaroi and Kooma heritage.
Collectively have several decades of experience gained from their community involvement and working within their communities in a variety of roles that include Social Justice Group Members Murri Court Sitting Members, Advisory Committe Member Lifeline
Advisory Committee, Men’s Women’s and Child and Youth Healing Camp Co-ordinators and Facilitators, Cultural Heritate Co-ordinator, Cultural Educators, Health Education and Training and Youth Mentoring.
They have worked in a variety of sectors including the Commission for Children, Young People and Child Guardian, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Education and Training, Remote Communities, Department of Corrective Services (working within the prison system with Aboriginal inmates both male and female), Vocational Education (alternate school programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island kids at risk), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Services.
They hold qualifications in and are experienced in Counselling, Mental Health, Mental Health First Aid, Training and Assessment, Circle Work, Life Coaching, Emotional Intelligence Coaching, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Massage Therapy and Reiki.
Professional Development Training Includes: Peace Ambassadorship, Mindfulness and the Hakomi Method in Counselling, Mindfulness and Emotional Healing, Circle of Security Parenting, Jack Canfield – Breakthrough to Success and Breakthrough to Success Advanced Training, Marumali, Reiki, Trauma.
They are two of four founding Members of the Lateral Peace Project.
Key Achievements include: Presentation on Healing from Lateral Violence at the Seventh Gathering of Healing Our Spirits Worldwide.
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Presentations (PDF) available for delegates, presenters and friends of QCDFVR
Please hover your mouse over the title to download the PDF
Keynote Speaker
- Opening Pandora’s Box – Ms Cheri Yavu-Kama-Harathunian, Indigenous Wellbeing Centre (IWC)
The State of the state
- Domestic and Family Violence Implementation Council Update – Mr Edward Mosby, Wakai Waian Healing
- Integrated Service Responses – Mr Clowry Kennell & Ms Cathy Boman, Department of Communities, Child Safety & Disability Services
Presentations from the field
- Introduction to the Far West Communities in South West Queensland – Ms Cheryl Ellery & Ms Donna Enders, Far West Indigenous Family Violence Service
- What does ‘User-Choice’ really mean for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander users of therapeutic services? – Ms Lyn Anderson & Ms Bernadette Anderson
- Whanau Ora Approach to Addressing Domestic and Family Violence – Mr Nick Kautai & Mr Heta Erueti, Relationships Australia Queensland
[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Accommodation” icon=””]
Pullman Reef Hotel
35 – 41 Wharf Street
P: 07 4030 8798
Please contact the hotel direct to book accommodation (Quote #0502QLD for a discounted rate)
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Registration includes:
Meet & Greet Function (Tuesday evening)
Morning Tea
Afternoon Tea
Forum Dinner (Wednesday Evening)
Early Bird Registration will receive a Forum T-Shirt (Book and Pay by Monday 10th April)
[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Working Group and Supporters” icon=””]
Joseph Oui Social & Emotional Wellbeing Counsellor Male, Apunipima Cape York Health Council
Maj-Lis Dalton Senior Police Liaison Officer, Queensland Police
Wynetta Dewis General Manager, Queensland Indigenous Family Violence Legal Service
Carle Williams Mens and Male Youth Facilitator, Wuchopperen Health Services Limited
Charles Passi QCDFVR Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Reference Group
Shirley Slann QCDFVR Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Reference Group
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