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New ways of working: Queensland Gendered Violence Practitioner Forum
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Queensland’s policy and practice landscape has changed dramatically in the past two years, as is reflected in the Queensland Women’s Strategy, the Not Now, Not Ever- Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Strategy 2016-2026 and the Queensland Violence Against Women Prevention Plan.
The Queensland Gendered Violence Practitioner Forum is designed for practitioners who are working in the fields of gendered violence, including those who work with victims/ survivors, families, and children affected by domestic, family and sexual violence, and perpetrators of domestic, family and sexual violence.
Dates: Wednesday 1st November – Thursday 2nd November
Venue: Hilton Brisbane
Category |
Early Bird Registration |
Standard Registration |
Full Registration |
$650.00 |
$750.00 |
Student Registration |
$500.00 |
$600.00 |
Speaker Registration |
$250.00 |
Please note:
Early Bird Registration closes Monday 2nd October,
Tickets are subject to availability, numbers are limited.
[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Organising Committee” icon=””]
Ms Leona Berrie
Manager | WWILD – Sexual Violence Prevention Association

Leona Berrie has been the Manager of WWILD – Sexual Violence Prevention Association since 2012. WWILD is a community based organisation that is focused on the overrepresentation of people with an intellectual disability as victims of violent crime and works towards improved responses to victims and improved justice outcomes.
Leona is a social worker by training and has worked in the disability sector as a support worker and a case manager before commencing at WWILD.
Leona is also the secretariat for the Queensland Sexual Assault Network (QSAN).
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Ms Gabrielle Borggaard
CEO | Domestic Violence Action Centre (DVAC)

Gabrielle Borggaard has been the CEO of the Domestic Violence Action Centre across Ipswich and Toowoomba since 2008. She has a passion for co-creating a sustainable, ethical, innovative social services sector with a strong focus on developing useful and viable partnerships with other key stakeholders. Her career spans the human services; from the Domestic and Family Violence Sector, the Child Protection Sector, Family Support and Therapeutic Counselling for individuals, men, women, relationships and families as well as experience in the Disability Sector. During the last 8 years of her work in the Social Services sector, she has specialised in the management of not for profit organisations, programs, teams and organisations with a strong focus on justice and equality for women and elimination of domestic and family violence. Gabrielle has been involved in numerous co-design projects with both government and non-government bodies, has been on a variety of working groups relating specifically to improving services for women, children and young people experiencing or witnessing domestic and family violence as well as consulted on strategic directions for funding streams and national alliances.
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Mr Paul Monsour
Secretariat | Services and Practitioners for the Elimination of Abuse Queensland (SPEAQ)

Paul has been secretary of the SPEAQ network (Services and Practitioners for the Elimination of Abuse Qld) for over 9 years, has coordinated the annual SPEAQ Forum since its inception in 2009 and has authored a number of submissions and papers for the network. Paul has worked as a counsellor and facilitator of men’s domestic violence behaviour change programs for over 13 years, and holds a Team Leader role with Anglicare in Brisbane. He was a member of the Domestic and Family Violence Strategy Implementation Advisory Group reporting to the Minister for Communities, which provided advice on the development of the 2012 DFV Act, and was a member of the Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Expert Advisory Group in 2011 and 2012.
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Ms Linda-Ann Northey
Manager | Working Against Violence Support Service Inc. (WAVSS)

As General Manager of the Working Against Violence Support Service Inc., Linda-Ann currently manages
WAVSS Logan and
WAVSS Across the Redlands, two of the specialist Regional Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) services in Queensland.
In the past eight years, Linda-Ann has provided a representative voice in the domestic violence sector and women’s sector filling many positions on sector-wide Boards, committees and advisory groups and actively contributing to high-level projects and activities informing the implementation of sector-wide reform.
Linda-Ann has also worked creatively and collaboratively to make a real difference toward stopping the destructive and compounding affects of violence in our communities by: fully explaining the impacts of trauma-based violence in simple, relatable and non-threatening terms, modernising interventions through creative thinking, actions, approaches and campaigns, and providing a range of choices for the community to easily take action and become involved.
[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Keynote Presenters” icon=””]
Professor Lori Sudderth
Professor of Sociology, Criminal Justice Program
Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut, USA.

Lori K. Sudderth does research on policies and practices in response to violence against women in the U.S. and internationally. She is particularly interested in the role of formal and informal communities, and the challenges of providing services and safety to victims of gendered violence in different contexts, such as geographic isolation, migration, and extreme poverty. In 2009, she worked with UNIFEM to develop a list of indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of legislation addressing intimate partner violence in Southeast Europe. She has also studied policy and practices in response to gender-based violence in Central America, the Caribbean, and New Zealand. More recently, she has worked with an NGO in Saint Lucia to sensitize frontline workers about the needs of survivors of gender-based violence.
Ms Jackie Burke
Jackie Burke Psychology and Consulting
Sydney, New South Wales, AUS

Jackie Burke is a registered psychologist with 20 years’ experience in counselling and consultancy services. She has worked in remote Australia, regional and metropolitan NSW, and until recently directed national programs for people affected by sexual, domestic and family violence. She has received awards for her research work and is a sought after speaker and trainer on topics including trauma, vicarious trauma, clinical supervision, and sexual, domestic and family violence.
After holding senior management roles for the past 15 years, Jackie established her own private practice and consultancy business earlier this year. She is a published author with an adjunct position at Western Sydney University.
When not working, Jackie tries to maintain a regular yoga practice and enjoys a good murder mystery.
Ms Carolyn Markey
Practitioner/Teacher, UnitingCare Communities, St Johns Grammar School & Dulwich Centre
Adelaide, South Australia, AUS

Based in Adelaide, Carolyn Markey has diverse roles as a practitioner and teacher. She currently works for UnitingCare Communities and St Johns Grammar School with children aged 11 to 18 years as part of a specialist team which works with families and children affected by violence and men who perpetrate violence. Carolyn also consults at one of the key ‘homes’ of narrative practice, the Dulwich Centre, as a Senior Faculty member, teaching narrative practices nationally and internationally.
Carolyn’s background is in education and she then moved into family therapy, being trained by Michael White and David Epston and others in the early 1990’s in Narrative Practices. She was drawn to the philosophy of the attention which should be paid to the politics of life inherent in work contexts and has integrated this into her earlier work in supported accommodation, home based family therapy and tertiary education settings.
Carolyn feels fortunate to be able to teach and write about the ideas that inform her practice and sees this praxis as an act of accountability towards those people she has consulted with over the years. She is committed to the notion that training and supervision are contexts where clients’ views about what constitutes respectful and helpful professional ” intervention” can be shared and acted upon to enrich our knowledge of what is effective for them.
Mr Alan Jenkins
Director, NADA Consulting
Adelaide, South Australia, AUS

Alan has worked in a range of multi-undisciplinary teams addressing violence and abusive behaviour for more than 30 years. Rather than tire from this work, he has become increasingly intrigued with possibilities for the discovery of ethical, respectful and accountable ways of relating. The valuing of ethics, fairness and the importance of protest against injustice has led him to stray considerably from the path prescribed in his early training as a psychologist, towards a political analysis of abuse.
Alan’s most recent publication is ‘Becoming Ethical: A Parallel Political Journey With Men Who Have Abused,’ published in 2009.
He is currently a director of Nada, an independent service that provides intervention in family abuse, violence and workplace harassment. He manages the Mary St. Program for young people who have engaged in sexually harmful behaviour, along with their caregivers and communities.
[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Program” icon=””]
View the Program
View the Handbook
[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Presentations” icon=””]
Presentations (PDF) available for delegates, presenters and friends of QCDFVR
Keynote Presentations
Working with Women – Professor Lori Sudderth, Quinnipiac University
Working with Sexual Violence/ Abuse – Jackie Burke, Jackie Burke Psychology
Working with Children/ Families – Carolyn Markey, UCCommunities, St Johns Grammar & Dulwich Centre
Working with Fathers – Alan Jenkins, NADA Consulting
Toolkit Presentations
Working with Women
- Practice Issues in Responding to High Risk Domestic Violence – Betty Taylor, Red Rose Foundation
- Searching for the perfect victim – Terese Kingston, Domestic Violence Resource Service
- The 99 Steps Journey: Logan Response to DFV in CALD Communities
Working with Sexual Violence/ Abuse
- Intimate Partner Sexual Violence: Unpacking the reality – Di Macleod, Gold Coast Centre Against Sexual Violence Inc
- Establishing a best practice response to victims of sexual assault in North Queensland – Trudi, Contarino, The Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)
- Women’s Reproductive autonomy and gendered violence: resources for enhancing practice – Elizabeth Price, Children by Choice
Working with Children/ Families
- Practice principles for a domestic violence informed child protection practice approach – Sarah Close & Rachel Shelton, BDVS & Melanie Safonoff, DCCSDS
- Enhancing Responses to Children in Refuge – Cherie Donovan, Save the Children
- Palm Island Yarning – Aida Dyela, Dyella Morgan & Jeanie Sam, Palm Island Community Company
Working with Fathers
- Walking with dads: A DFV informed way of working in the Child Protection System – Leanne Downes, Erin Lawton & Emma Rogers, DCCDS
- The groupwork kitchen: A recipe for working with fathers – Dr Andrew Frost, CQUniversity
- Collaborative approaches to responding to domestic and family violence in families: working with fathers – Kate Martin & Luke Tempany, Churches of Christ, Children Youth and Families
[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Important Dates” icon=””]
Abstracts Open |
Monday 3rd July 2017 |
Early Bird Registration Opens |
Wednesday 9th August 2017 |
Abstracts Close |
Monday 14th August 2017 |
Notification to Authors |
Monday 28th August 2017 |
Author Acceptances |
Monday 4th – 18th September 2017 |
Draft program available |
Friday 8th September 2017 |
Presenter Registration & Payment Closes |
Monday 18th September 2017 |
Early Bird Registration Closes |
Monday 2nd October 2017 |
Speaker Presentations Due |
Wednesday 4th October 2017 |
Full Registration Closes |
Wednesday 18th October 2017 |
[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Refunds & Cancellations” icon=””]
Refunds and Cancellations
The event host appreciates that circumstances can change. At any point up to Wednesday 18th October you are welcome to contact QCDFVR in writing and nominate a substitute delegate at no extra charge. Please note only one Forum sample bag per booking will be issued.
A full refund less a $150 fee will be issued for cancellations received on or before 2nd October 2017
Registration cancellation received between 3rd October and 18th October will receive a 50% refund on the registration fees.
No refunds will be issued after Thursday 19th October 2017.
[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Inclusions” icon=””]
Registration will include:
Attendance to all Forum Sessions and Keynote Sessions
Forum Handbook
Meals for duration of the Forum including arrival tea/coffee, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea
Entry to the Twilight Reception on Wednesday evening 1st November, 5-7pm
Professional Development Attendance Certificate (on request)
Please note attendees are responsible for their travel arrangements
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[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Photographs” icon=””]

[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Contact ” icon=””]
Petrina Frankham
Phone: 07 4940 3340
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