Sexual Violence: Research from the ground up

PRESENTED BY: Associate Professor Hillary Haldane, Quinnipiac University In this presentation Associate Professor Hillary Haldane explores responses to sexual violence through an applied research lens… this is, indeed, research “from the ground up”… Fulbright Scholar...

Creating Safe Space: Changing Communities to Support Survivors

PRESENTED BY: Professor Lori Sudderth, Quinnipiac University Professor Lori Sudderth from Quinnipiac University presents ‘Creating Safe Space: Changing Communities to Support Survivors’ at the ‘New ways of working: Queensland Gendered Violence...

To screen or not to screen

INTRODUCED BY: Dr Annabel TaylorPRESENTED BY: Dr Kathleen Baird and Dr Deborah WalshPANEL MEMBERS: Renae Majcen and Lydia Mainey “There has been much debate about the safe and effective identification in healthcare settings of women experiencing intimate partner...