PRESENTED BY: Carolyn Markey, St. John’s Grammar School, Uniting Communities & The Dulwich Centre
Carolyn Markey, St. John’s Grammar School, Uniting Communities & The Dulwich Centre presents ‘Bringing forward families’ skills, knowledge & ethics in the wake of gendered violence’ at the ‘New ways of working: Queensland Gendered Violence Practitioner Forum’ hosted by QCDFVR in Brisbane.
Based in Adelaide, Carolyn Markey has diverse roles as a practitioner and teacher. She currently works for UnitingCare Communities and St Johns Grammar School with children aged 11 to 18 years as part of a specialist team which works with families and children affected by violence and men who perpetrate violence. Carolyn also consults at one of the key ‘homes’ of narrative practice, the Dulwich Centre, as a Senior Faculty member, teaching narrative practices nationally and internationally.