Education + Training
We are committed, through our relationship with CQUniversity, to providing access to a range of quality education options.
Our training is designed for a wide range of professionals, including practitioners in the community, family, education and health sectors, as well as specialist family violence workers. We have access to trainers and teachers who have practitioner expertise in responding to gendered violence and education. They can deliver contemporary content via face-to-face or more flexible learning options, including:
- Presentations (for workplaces and groups)
- Workshops (tailored to client needs)
- Professional development (for groups and individuals)
- Access to accredited Vocational Education and Training (VET) units
- Units of study at Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels
- Postgraduate qualifications
Education and training units are suitable for a range of individuals and organisations. You may be working across a variety of sectors such as community services, counselling, health, education and human resources management, or interested in employment in these areas.




We know workers from a range of disciplines have already benefited from completing study in Domestic and Family Violence Practice. Our courses equip students to take their places in a range of services including:
- Child protection
- Criminal justice
- Counsellors
- Domestic violence
- Education
- Employee Assistance
- Health
- Law enforcement
- Local government
- Community-based non-government
Workers in core support services or intervention agencies:
- Courts and court services
- Legal and paralegal agencies and services
- Corrections
- Police
- Family dispute resolution services
- Child Protection
- Child and Family Services
- Family and relationship services
- Homelessness services
Workers in universal services and organisations:
- Includes workplaces, education services, early childhood services, sport and recreation organisations and faith based institutions.
Workers in mainstream services and non-family violence specific agencies:
- Health care services
- Drug and alcohol services
- Housing services
- Individuals providing therapeutic services
- Youth services
- Disability services
- Culturally and linguistically diverse services
- Aboriginal services
- Aged care services
- Employment services